Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stupid Comcast and ATT...


I can honestly say that I dislike both of these ridiculous companies!

Comcast can suck it- well.. cause they can! Over priced buncha BS is you ask me- I know they corner the market- but F-them-

ATT can suck it today too- well not entirely their fault- my apartment is old and the wiring is bad so they can't give us the services we need- F-ers! They were even going to install today- oh well, at least we have an antenna to watch NCIS which comes back on today- yippee!

How thrilling for the folks that enjoy my ramblings- today is just frustrated crapola about cable and the likes of all that.

Meh- not everyday can be so exciting I suppose-

I guess I can't type or spell today either ( though you wouldn't have known that until I said something) LOL

The plus side to this day- I got amazing coffee, salted carmel mocha= yumo! Not from my fave Dutch Bro's- this is from starbucks- it'll suffice :) It's got me moving through the day well enough-

Been slow at work- which is most okay actually- I like the days that aren't super grumpy lumpy or insane and it's almost lunch time- yet another thrill and decsion to make- what sounds good for a food? I just know that im hungry and I am also a bit bored

* le sigh* ( cause I am soooo french )

Sure I am!! oui oui!

Ok, that's all for now folks-

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