Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday= being a lazy bum

Mmm, saturday- how I need more of you during the week!

I have been most indulgent so far this weekend- cheesy amazing bagels, coffee, laziness and a matathon of AMC's THE WALKING DEAD- ( thanks husband for getting me into yet another show )

I had a long damn week- I almost think it's as bad to have a slow work week- as having an insane never ending non stop kind of week- just an observation folks-

I don't even want to take a shower- that's how little I care today- but then why should I? I am not going anywhere more than my back patio or over the mail box, so scrungy I will stay, and happy I will be.

I know what I do need today.. A good book to fall into- ( here kindle kindle... ) Why does the time pass so much quicker on a lazy weekend then a crappy workday? Another one of life's unanswered questions...

* Le sigh *

Well the show is back on, and I might just have to heed the call of my bed shortly, and really make this a super bum day!

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