Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Welcome to my crazy mind.....


How does one begin a blog? That's a really good question- one that I will eventually find the answer to when I figure it out-

Well let's begin- who am I ?

I am Laurel, a self proclaimed crazy cat lady who lives in bright sunny California- I work hard and don't play often enough these days, funny how becoming an adult can do that to a girl. I am married- now that is something I never thought I wanted, until I met the right person- and it did take some time!

Marriage isn't a perfect entity- why are people arguing so much about what it really is? Everyone should be allowed to have the same headaches as the rest of us, why is equality such a big thing- well because it IS people! I don't know why religion has to intervene in peoples choices- whether or not you choose to love someone who is the same sex, it shouldn't matter. I know a lot of arguments come from the outdated ideals of what a marriage is- a man, a woman and children- but that's old news to me. Let people BE- for heavens sake it isn't up to small minded individuals to tell everyone else in the world what to do. If you love someone, and you want to commit your life and your EVERYTHING to that person- then do it! It isn't hurting anyone to let people have their freedom- isn't that what AMERICA is built on?

Sorry- just had to rant about that for a few moments- back to me :) I am feeling deliciously selfish and I want to talk about myself for a few more moments-

Where was I?- Ah, yes, I am a crazy cat lady, I love the color PINK, and I have a thing for flamingo birds. I don't have any crumb snatchers of my own yet ( though one day we hope to, cause it takes 2 people ) and I work a lot. I also have weird medical issues- such as sickening migraines- which if you follow this you'll all read about that a lot down the road. I am thinking that maybe telling the world about the things I go through will give me some sort of piece of mind and come to terms with the things that I don't have control over- this could be a great thing. This should be sufficient for an introduction into my world.. now where is the damn spell check so I don't look so stupid.....

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